66th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
Friendship Meeting with the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch)
German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
7 - 10 June 2015, Karlsruhe
Vorträge Dienstag, 09. Juni 2015
DI.21 Friendship Meeting 6: AVM /Aneurysmen
Meeting Abstract
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Keynote lecture: Surgical treatment of artero-venous malformations in/around speech areas
Pasqualin A, Hasanbelliu A, Meneghelli P, Zampieri P, Nicolato A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Unruptured vs ruptured cerebral AVMs: a critical analysis
Cenzato M, Debernardi A, Piparo M, Tartara F, Stefini R, Ducati A, Lanterna LA[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Microsurgical resection of Spetzler-Martin grade 1 and 2 unruptured brain arteriovenous malformations results in lower long-term morbidity than conservative management – results of 97 cases
Steiger HJ, Rohn B, Fischer I, Etminan N, Hänggi D[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Pre-surgical endovascular embolization of cerebral AVMs as a targeted treatment
Cenzato M, Debernardi A, Piparo M, Boccardi E, Valvassori L, Piano M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Multiple cerebral arterio-venous malformations: Distinct entity or simple multiplication?
Stein KP, Wanke I, Zhu Y, Oezkan N, Schoemberg T, Sandalcioglu IE, Sure U[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Visual impairment and quality of life in relation to treatment of parieto-occipital AVMs
Cenzato M, Gribaudi G, Debernardi A, Piparo M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Supplemented Spetzler-Martin-Lawton grading system predict patient outcome in ruptured arteriovenous malformations with associated intracerebral hemorrhage
Burkhardt JK, Neidert M, Fierstra J, Mader M, Regli L, Bozinov O[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Posterior circulation involvement in European moyamoya angiopathy: Presentation and management
Roder C, Ebner F, Baltsavias G, Ernemann U, Tatagiba M, Khan N[Full Text]