GMS Health Innovation and Technologies
EuroScan international network e. V. (EuroScan)
ISSN 2698-6388
GMS Health Innovations and Technologies (HInT) is published by international HealthTechScan (i-HTS), a brand of EuroScan international network e.V. and is released as e-journal as part of German Medical Science (GMS). GMS HInT is an international journal and presents global activities and findings in the life cycle of health technologies. The online format of the journal provides quick and easy access to up-to-date information and experiences from clinical, health and policy environments with particular focus on new, emerging and obsolete health technologies. Furthermore, summaries of Health Technology Assessments along with the long versions can be published.
GMS Health Innovations and Technologies is continually available to readers free of charge. Publications are subject to a processing fee.
Recent Publications
GMS Health Innovation and Technologies
Volume 18
Disinvestment initiatives in Malaysia healthcare system: the journey from possibility to reality
Kamaruzaman HF, Ku Abd Rahim KN, Izzuna MMGGMS Health Innov Technol 2024; 18:Doc03 (20241119)
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Synthesis of relevant information around non-core domains to support Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for decision making
Bayón-Yusta JC, Gutiérrez-Iglesias AG, Galnares-Cordero LG, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea IGGMS Health Innov Technol 2024; 18:Doc02 (20240327)
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
Criteria to define innovation in the field of medical devices: a Delphi approach
D’Angela D, Migliore A, Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea I, Polistena B, Spandonaro FGMS Health Innov Technol 2024; 18:Doc01 (20240228)
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]