7th EFSMA – European Congress of Sports Medicine, 3rd Central European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Annual Assembly of the German and the Austrian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Austrian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
26.-29.10.2011, Salzburg, Österreich
Lectures & Oral Presentations
J: Functional Rehabilitation
Meeting Abstract
Adaptive changes in the dominant shoulders of female competitive overhead athletes
Tonin K, Stražar K, Vidmar G, Burger H[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Die Nachhaltigkeit einer VMO-Rehabilitation bzgl. sozialmedizinischer und psychischer Parameter
Kunze T, Henschke V, Steinke K[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Effectiveness of treatment with brace versus tape in acute lateral ankle sprains: A quasi randomized controlled trial
Kemler E, van de Port I, Backx F[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Proprioceptive function after ACL reconstructed athletes
Urabe Y, Maeda N, Sasadai J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Rehabilitation after hip dislocation in a soccer player
Tsur A[Volltext]