102. Jahrestagung der DOG
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.
23. bis 26.09.2004, Berlin
Vorträge Freitag, 24.09.2004
Entzündungen des Vorder- und Hinterabschnitts - Uveitis
Meeting Abstract
Computer based system for optimized strategies for differential diagnosis and follow up of uveitis patients
Bauer AM, Wiehler U, Plaza D, Schmidt R, Skonetzki S, Wetter T, Becker MD[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Reduction of laboratory costs using a diagnostic approach based on an interdisciplinary concept with clinical findings in uveitis patients
Lösch A, Flessa S, Fiehn C, Becker MD[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Epidemiology of secondary uveitis
Leuchtenberger M, Fleckenstein M, Heger T, Fiehn C, Becker MD[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Intraocular immune reaction in Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis and intermediate uveitis in multiple sclerosis (MS)
Quentin CD, Reiber H[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Prevalence of parvovirus B19 in endogenous uveitis
Heinz C, Plentz A, Modrow S, Heiligenhaus A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
A genome-wide scan identifies 3 loci for acute anterior uveitis, including one locus unassociated with ankylosing spondylitis
Mackensen F, Becker MD, Jin L, Doyle T, Zhang G, Luo J, Smith JR, Coffman JE, Reveille JD, Rosenbaum JT, Martin TM[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Assessment of the use of H.O.P.E. fixation in vitrectomy specimens in patients with chronic uveitis (Masquerade syndrome)
Coupland SE, Heimann H, Bechrakis N, Perez-Canto A, Hummel M, Foerster MH, Stein H[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Our experiences with diagnosis and treatment of intraocular lymphoma
Ríhová E, Sisková A, Spicka I, Adam P, Sach J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Cyclosporinmonitoring in patients with chronic uveitis
Schmidt S, Pleyer U[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, CellCept®) is a highly effective and safe immunosuppressive agent for the treatment of uveitis
Siepmann K, Huber M, Stübiger N, Deuter C, Zierhut M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Vision-threatening complications in uveitis of childhood
Mingels A, Hudde T, Heiligenhaus A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Problems in Diagnostic and Therapy of ocular Allergies
Zierhut M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Topical immunomodulatory therapy in ophthalmology
Bertelmann E, Pleyer U[Volltext]