102. Jahrestagung der DOG
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.
23. bis 26.09.2004, Berlin
Vorträge Donnerstag, 23.09.2004
Retina II - Experimentelles, Diabetes
Meeting Abstract
Selective retina therapy (SRT) and optical coherence tomography in patients with central serous retinopathy
Elsner H, Pörksen E, Klatt C, Theisen-Kunde D, Laqua H, Roider J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Selective retinal treatment (SRT): analysis of optoacoustic online dosimetry
Pörksen E, Elsner H, Theissen-Kunde D, Roider H, Birngruber R, Brinkmann R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Expression of EphrinB2 and EphB4 in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy
Ehlken C, Martin G, Hansen LL, Agostini HT[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
A new animal model for studying angiopoietin-2-dependent angiogenesis in the retina
Feng Y, vom Hagen F, Wagner P, Hoffmann S, Lin J, Deutsch U, Hammes HP[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
The relative influence of ageing on taurine transport across Bruch's choroid and the retinal pigment epithelium
Hillenkamp J, Hussain AA, Jackson TL, Cunningham JR, Constable P, Marshall J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Alterations in the structure of the epiretinal membranes in PVR
Vidinova C, Voinov L, Vidinov N, Gougoutchkova P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Mapping of the retinal pigment epithelium layer in exudative age-related macular degeneration
Neubauer AS, Thiel MJ, Priglinger SG, Eibl KH, Alge C, Welge-Lüssen UC, Kampik A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Degeneration of retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch's membrane in LDL-receptor-deficient mice as a model of age-related macular degeneration
Rudolf M, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Aherrazou Z, Kaczmarek P, Roider J, Schmidt-Erfurth U[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Intraocular growth factors are not altered in early stages of diabetes mellitus
Höhne K, Heimann H, Spranger J, Bechrakis NE, Pfeiffer AFH, Foerster MH[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Evidence-based therapy of diabetic retinopathy
Hörle S, Kroll P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Differences in topographic retinal thickness measurements in different clinical stages of diabetic maculopathy
Schaudig U, Scholz F, Richard G[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Vitrectomy for Diabetic Macular Edema
Hoerauf H, Lühmann D[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Vitrectomy for diabetic cystoid macular edema
Aboutable T, Kalvodová B[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
The course of diabetic retinopathy after pancreas transplantation
Breuer B, Jochmann C, Witzigmann H, Meier P, Wiedemann P[Volltext]