45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Rheumatologie, 27. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendrheumatologie
06.09. - 09.09.2017, Stuttgart
Spondyloarthritiden 2
Meeting Abstract
Improved Patient-Reported Outcomes in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Treated With Abatacept: Results From a Phase III Trial
Strand V, Alemao E, Lehman T, Johnsen A, Banerjee S, Ahmad HA, Mease P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
SAPHO – neue Subpopulation, neue Therapie
Hasmann S, Becker D, Meier J, Witt M, Grünke M, Skapenko A, Dechant C, Schulze-Koops H, Leipe J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Functional parameters and spinal mobility are associated with radiographic sacroiliitis severity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: results from the GErman SPondyloarthritis Inception Cohort
Protopopov M, Sieper J, Haibel H, Listing J, Rudwaleit M, Poddubnyy D[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Verwendung des ASAS Gesundheitsindex in der rheumatologischen Routineversorgung
Kiltz U, Wiatr T, Baraliakos X, Fedorov K, Braun J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Body Mass Index Does Not Influence the Efficacy of Abatacept in Patients With PsA: Results From the ASTRAEA Trial
McInnes I, Ferraccioli G, D'Agostino MA, Le Bars M, Banerjee S, Ahmad H, Elbez Y, Ye J, Mease P[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Predictive value of different questionnaires for diagnosing Psoriatic Arthritis in patients with Psoriasis in daily routine care
Köhm M, Dauth S, Rossmanith T, Langer HE, Burmester GR, Käßer U, Backhaus M, Wassenberg S, Köhler B, Burkhardt HL, Behrens F[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Comparison of Remsima® and Remicade® – A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for the German SHI System
Uhrmann MF, Gissel C[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
MAXIMISE – A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study to assess the efficacy and safety of secukinumab in patients with active psoriatic arthritis and axial skeleton involvement
Baraliakos X, Rissler M, Perella C[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
ACHILLES – A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study to demonstrate efficacy of secukinumab in the treatment of enthesitis in patients with active Psoriatic Arthritis and axial Spondyloarthritis
Behrens F, Baraliakos X, Wiedon A, Jentzsch C[Volltext]