67. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC)
Joint Meeting mit der Koreanischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (KNS)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e. V.
12. - 15. Juni 2016, Frankfurt am Main
P III Neuroonkologie 2: Spinale und kranielle Tumore
Meeting Abstract
(P 017)
Assessing perioperative complications associated with use of intraoperative MRI in glioma surgery – A single center experience with 516 cases
Campos B, Ahmadi R, Haux D, Beigel B, Unterberg A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 018)
Intracranial Ameloblastoma arising from the maxilla: an interdisciplinary surgical approach
Quick-Weller J, Koch F, Baumgarten P, Marquardt G, Seifert V, Freiman TM[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 019)
Preoperative pathological silent periods correlate with the size of the concomitant syrinx in intramedullary tumors
Rexer E, Engel DC, Ebner F, Liebsch M, Tatagiba M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 020)
Early surgical treatment of filum terminale ependymomas is associated with a stable or improved neurological outcome
Spyrantis A, Konczalla J, Behmanesh B, Setzer M, Seifert V, Marquardt G[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 021)
Accuracy and reliability of MRI interpretation in patients with CNS lymphoma and glioma
Polanski WH, Kusnick G, Gerber J, Schackert G, Sobottka SB[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 022)
The influence of brain tumor localization and isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) on reorganisatory processes of the language system
Rosengarth K, Dodoo-Schittko F, Doenitz C, Brawanski A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 023)
Neurological and radiological outcome after awake craniotomy for lesions in or adjacent to eloquent brain areas
Wrede KH, Kneist A, Hütter BO, Müller O, Sure U, El Hindy N[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
(P 024)
Improved outcome after targeted therapy with everolimus or axitinib in a spinal metastasis mouse model
Kratzsch T, Broggini T, Piffko A, Czabanka M, Vajkoczy P[Volltext]