gms | German Medical Science

69. Kongress der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Gesellschaft für Urologie

Nordrhein-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Urologie e. V.

11.04. - 12.04.2024, Essen


Our aim is to organize an informative and exciting congress for you, which will not only cover current topics of benign and malignant diseases of the urogenital tract in the form of overview presentations, but which will first and foremost facilitate interactive discussion through case-based, interdisciplinary sessions on innovative, controversial or even provocative topics.

For those of you who want to get hands-on training and “get hands-on”, interactive workshops in small groups will be offered on the topics of endourology, multiparametric MRI and drug-based tumor therapy. The dry but necessary courses on radiation protection, hygiene and GCP qualifications are also integrated into the congress.

We would like to place a special focus on the promotion and special involvement of young clinical and scientific talent in urology. The scientific sessions as part of the Paul Mellin Memorial Prize have already been established for years, but in our view require additional special recognition for the prizewinners.We will therefore enable the two prizewinners to present their research results in a detailed lecture on April 12, 2024 as part of the main forum. The winners of the poster prizes will also be given an adequate presentation option. An informative event on career prospects and career options by representatives from practice, clinic, research and industry will round off this aspect alongside the established clinically oriented sessions of the GeSRU. Since we believe that the promotion of young talent begins in the practical year, we will try to enable all PJ students from NRW to participate in the congress with a corresponding mentoring program.
In addition to the scientific and clinical contributions, we will be devoting ourselves to current developments in outpatient care, centralization and hospital reform in a high-calibre professional policy forum.We have already received commitments from renowned representatives of the Federal Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the DGU and the BvDU as well as the Hospital Association.
In our specialist field in particular, cooperation between the various professional groups on an equal footing is an essential prerequisite for the successful care of patients in hospitals and practices.Friday is therefore once again dedicated to interactive training for urological assistants, including aspects of professional policy.

Scientific Program