gms | German Medical Science


Figure 1: Image findings at initial visit, right eye
A) Fundus photograph demonstrating an aberrant retinal venous macrovessel draining into the inferotemporal major vascular arcade vein. A suspected anomalous arteriovenous communication with retinal artery can be detected. A yellowish white area is also seen on the fovea around the arteriovenous communication. B) An OCTA image of the superficial capillary plexus slab demonstrating an aberrant vessel, an anomalous arteriovenous communication between the aberrant vessel and the retinal artery, and a distorted foveal avascular zone. C) An OCTA image of the deep capillary plexus slab showing shadowing and projection artefacts due to the aberrant vessel. Cystoid macular edema can also be seen. D) OCT image depicting cystoid macular edema and serous macular detachment. A few hyperreflective dots in the ganglion nerve fiber layer with backshadowing can also be seen along the course of the aberrant vessel around the fovea. E) Fluorescein angiogram (arterial phase) demonstrating early filling of the venous macrovessel with anomalous arteriovenous communication. Watershed zone of the choroid around the optic disc can also be seen. F) Fluorescein angiogram (late venous phase) demonstrating late dye leakage and pooling from the anastomotic vessel.