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Figure 2: Intraoperative photographs showing the various steps of the strabismus surgery.
2a–g: Intraoperative photographs of the surgical field of lateral rectus recession. 2a: Multiloculated cyst encountered just beneath the conjunctival incision. 2b: Large uniloculated cyst (+) located within the anterior tenon’s capsule at the superior edge of the lateral rectus muscle. 2c: Small SiO cysts (arrows) embedded within the muscle sheath. 2d: SiO cysts located beneath the muscle (arrow head) in the episleral tissue. 2e: Shows the surgical field after separation of tenon’s capsule (i) from overlying conjunctiva (ii) and underlying LR muscle (iii). The thickened tenon’s fascia embedded with multiple small cysts can be appreciated. 2f: Shows resection of tenon’s fascia overlying the LR muscle. 2g: Shows sliding noose adjustable hangback recession of LR. 2h: Intraoperative photograph of the medial rectus resection showing a relatively clear surgical field.