gms | German Medical Science


Figure 2: Cleaved caspase 3

HL = Hannover solution, EPO = flaps flushed with EPO before placement in Hannover solution NC = negative control.
a) Quantification of apoptotic reactions was done by image analysis using the software ImageJ, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, which is a public domain Java image processing program. There was no significantly different apoptotic reaction if flaps were flushed with EPO when perfused in Hannover solution. According to the Greenhouse-Geisser test, the two curves did not raise significantly different.
b) The average percentage of caspase 3 positive cells is given at each time-point. Of each flap six sections were analysed. One random field each / per section was submitted to ImageJ analysis. Negative control was obtained by applying solely the secondary immuneflouressence antibody to the sections, without primary caspase specific antibodies.