gms | German Medical Science

Learning through Inquiry in Higher Education: Current Research and Future Challenges (INHERE 2018)

08.03. - 09.03.2018, München


Meeting Abstract (35)

Executive functions as moderators of the worked example effect on statistical reasoning – A replication study

Bichler S, Fischer F, Bühner M
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Meeting Abstract (36)

Inquiry-Based Learning in Higher Education Statistics: Effects on Students’ Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, and Achievement Emotions

Bod P, Sommerhoff D
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Meeting Abstract (37)

Case representation scaffolds improve diagnostic efficiency in 4th-5th year medical students: a randomized controlled laboratory study

Braun L, Zottmann J, Wirth S, Fischer M, Schmidmaier R
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Meeting Abstract (38)

Training Concept: Efficient and Strategic Reading of Academic Texts

Czech H
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Meeting Abstract (39)

The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Supervisory Relationships

Dudko Y, Ouellette D, Zottmann J, Fischer M
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Meeting Abstract (40)

FLIK. A concept for successfully instructing inquiry-based learning in compact seminars “en bloc”

Fischer M
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Meeting Abstract (41)

Humboldt reloaded – perennial effect study, interdisciplinary projects, summer school and teaching coaching for research-based learning

Gerstenberg J, Reinmuth E, Sand J, Stefani AM, Frank C
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Meeting Abstract (42)

Active open online learning: A practical approach to improving statistical literacy among learners

Herrera-Bennett A
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Meeting Abstract (43)

Investigating the (Local) Archive. Student Motivation through Research-based Learning – A Case-Study from History

Klöber R
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Meeting Abstract (44)

Preparing teacher students for learning by research: Fostering students’ methodological skills through inverted classroom

Mertens C, Schumacher F, Basten M
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Meeting Abstract (45)

The Zeppelin Project. Undergraduate research at Zeppelin University

Nikolopoulos I, Zettl C
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Meeting Abstract (46)

Implications of multiperspectivity and social reflexivity in planning (developmental) research processes with stakeholders

Reisas S, Sandmann J
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Meeting Abstract (47)

Evidence-based practice: Norms of evidence production in different disciplines

Scappucci G, Osterhaus C, Fischer F
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Meeting Abstract (48)

Impact assessment of inquiry based learning: Why we need additional research beside student learning

Schiefner-Rohs M, Lübcke E
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Meeting Abstract (49)

Empirical assessment of approaches to learning methods in psychology

Seehoff H, Gerkensmeier I, Kedzior KK
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Meeting Abstract (50)

The interplay of motivational and cognitive factors during the explanation of pedagogical situations by prospective teachers

Trempler K, Hartmann U
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Meeting Abstract (51)

The nature and use of (health) design in inquiry-based learning. A case study

Fischer M
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Meeting Abstract (52)

Project Laboratories and tu projects – Project based inquiry learning at the Technical University of Berlin

Haas A
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