gms | German Medical Science

82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

01.06. - 05.06.2011, Freiburg


Meeting Abstract (11hno21)

Use of standardized language acquisition tests in early cochlear implanted children

Adams D, von der Haar-Heise S, Esser-Leyding B, Rühl S, Büchner A, Lenarz T
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Meeting Abstract (11hno22)

Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (DAVF) as cause of a pulse-synchronous tinnitus

Bezas V, Siekmann R, Hügens-Penzel M, Bockmühl U
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Meeting Abstract (11hno23)

Hearing results for stapedotomies with skeeter and perforator in primary otosclerosis

Bischof F, Langer J, Begall K
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Meeting Abstract (11hno24)

ICF orientated rehabilitation after Cochlea implantation

Braun A, Fogarasi M, Begall K
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Meeting Abstract (11hno25)

Determinants of tinnitus-related distress – an epidemiological study in 4705 tinnitus patients

Delb W, Wallhäusser-Franke E
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Meeting Abstract (11hno26)

Initiation of nervous reorganization following complete deafening by cochlear ablation depends on specific growth proteins in the cochlear nucleus of the adult rat

Fredrich M, Illing RB
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Meeting Abstract (11hno27)

Fitting of Cochlear Implant Patients, implanted with the Hybrid-L-Electrode

Gärtner L, Büchner A, Joseph G, Lenarz T
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Meeting Abstract (11hno28)

Fracture of the petrous bone as a rare – not recognized – cause of a unilateral infantile hearing loss

Gierz A, Langer J, Begall K
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Meeting Abstract (11hno29)

The impact of spoken language competency for the speech comprehension of early deafened adults with cochlar implant

Giourgas A, Lesinski-Schiedat A, Lenarz T
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Meeting Abstract (11hno30)

Investigations on the "lateralization" of pistons after stapes surgery

Guder E, Just T, Vick U, Pau HW
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Meeting Abstract (11hno31)

Dynamic visual acuity (DVA) in neurotologic diagnostic

Hegemann SC
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Meeting Abstract (11hno32)

Quantitative estimation of degenerating and re-innervating synapses in the rat cochlear nucleus after its total sensory deafferentation

Illing RB, Hildebrandt H, Laszig R
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Meeting Abstract (11hno33)

Apical Stimulation with MED-EL Cochlear Implants

Joseph G, Gärtner L, Rost U, Lenarz T
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Meeting Abstract (11hno34)

Sensitivity to stress of the auditory system of Wistar Han rats

Mazurek B, Haupt H, Szczepek A, Olze H
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Meeting Abstract (11hno35)

Cochlear implantation for single-sided deafness: procedure and results of a child-case

Mons-Bajorath W, Weber J, Büchner A, Lenarz T
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Meeting Abstract (11hno36)

Hearing aid supply in patients with aphasia

Nospes S, Kreter S, Cichorowski M, Keilmann A, Schlindwein A
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Meeting Abstract (11hno37)

Influence of the individual growth behaviour of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) on alterations of their levels due to minor conductive hearing loss (CHL)

Olzowy B, Deppe C, Kummer P
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Meeting Abstract (11hno38)

Susac syndrome – a rare differential diagnosis to Meniere's disease

Pasha M, Basel T, Kleffner I, Ringelstein EB
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Meeting Abstract (11hno39)

Recurrences after excision of exostoses in the auditory canal: Myth or reality?

Pethe W, Begall K
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Meeting Abstract (11hno40)

On the discovery of different weightlessness in space

Pichler HJ
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Meeting Abstract (11hno41)

Auditory Brainstem And Cortical Potentials Following Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid Stimulation

Rahne T, Ehelebe T, Götze G
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Meeting Abstract (11hno42)

Influence of hearing experience on tonotopy and interneuronal communication in the auditory brainstem of rats: A c-Fos study

Rosskothen-Kuhl N, Illing RB, Laszig R
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Meeting Abstract (11hno43)

Language test results and basic therapy in adult cochlear implant patients with unilateral deafness

Rost U
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Meeting Abstract (11hno44)

Preauricular tumor following tympanoplasty

Setz C, Plontke S, Wagner W
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Meeting Abstract (11hno45)

Chronic tinnitus: psychometric parameters depend on gender, age and duration of tinnitus

Seydel C, Zirke N, Haupt H, Mazurek B
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Meeting Abstract (11hno46)

Application of a computer based software toolbox to support the ENT-medical assessment procedure in consideration of predictions of speech intelligibility

Sukowski H, Meyer R, Thiele C, Lenarz T, Kollmeier B
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Meeting Abstract (11hno47)

Does residual hearing in the non-implantat ear influence the postoperative performance after Cochlear Implantation?

Teschendorf M, Bagus H, Lang S, Arweiler-Harbeck D
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Meeting Abstract (11hno48)

Surgical training before cochlear implant surgery by means of an Anatomic-Facsimile-Model (AFM) with authentic cavity structures of the human temporal bone

Vorwerk U, Grote KH
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Meeting Abstract (11hno49)

Speech discrimination in noise and localisation in unilateral deaf patients using the Baha Intenso or Baha BP100

Wesarg T, Aschendorff A, Schild C, Beck R, Kröger S, Maier W, Laszig R, Arndt S
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Meeting Abstract (11hno50)

First treatment experience with the T 30 CR Neurostimulator in patients with chronic tinnitus

Wurzer H
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