7th EFSMA – European Congress of Sports Medicine, 3rd Central European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Annual Assembly of the German and the Austrian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Austrian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
26.-29.10.2011, Salzburg, Austria
Poster Presentations
The Elderly Patient
Meeting Abstract
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Effectiveness of physical therapy in elderly patients with internal fixation after hip fracture
Mikulic-Gutman S, Kevic S, Knezevic A, Simic-Panic D, Pantelinac S, Jeremic-Knezevic M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Factors associated with reintegration to normal living after stroke
Murtezani A, Sherifi S, Hundozi H[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Functional capacity and risk of fall in institutionalized elderly
Mendes E, Novo A, Preto L, Azevedo A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Influence of therapeutic program in aquatic environment on static strength, ventral dorsolumbar flexion and cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy post-menopausal women
Clemente Polán C, Manzano Ventura JJ, Olcina Camacho G[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Postural balance in elderly evaluated in a force platform: the vestibular system and its importance in the aging process
Novo A, Mendes E, Preto L, Monteiro M, Azevedo A, Correia J, de Paz J[Full Text]