36. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmochirurgie (DOC)
20.06. - 22.06.2024, Nürnberg
Meeting Abstract
(EPO 4.1)
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Erfahrung mit Team-Time-Out bei >42.000 Cataract-Operationen
Weingessel B, Haas M, Vécsei-Marlovits V[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(EPO 4.2)
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Retrospektive Fall-Kontroll-Studie zur Endophthalmitis bei taggleicher sequenzieller bilateraler Kataraktoperation im Vergleich zur verzögerten sequenziellen Kataraktoperation
Scheschy U, Winklhofer R, Melmer-Wolf L, Buchner J, Heiligenbrunner S, Kölbl A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(EPO 4.3)
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Use of X-wave technology-based EDOF IOL in a post-LASIK patient
Vogormian L, Chychko L, Khoramnia R, Auffarth G[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(EPO 4.4)
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Defocus curve analysis with new enhanced monofocal intraocular lenses RayOne EMV and RayOne EMV toric
Vogormian L, Hassel O, Chychko L, Khoramnia R, Auffarth G[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(EPO 4.5)
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Blended vision with a monofocal IOL inducing positive spherical abberations in a high myopic patient
Vogormian L, Chychko L, Khoramnia R, Auffarth G[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(EPO 4.6)
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An approach to a multifocal IOL implantation against all odds
Veitners A, Laganovska G, Elksnis E, Vanags J[Full Text]