German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (DKOU 2024)
22. - 25.10.2024, Berlin
IN39 Blue Health Tech: Alliance for Innovative Health Technologies from the Ocean
Meeting Abstract
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BlueHealthTech – the alliance for innovative health technologies from the ocean
Eisenhauer A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Osteo-Frak-Risk: Risk assessment of osteoporotic fractures using the innovative calcium isotope biomarker (CIM)
Heuser A, Müller M, Lubnow A, Schwanbeck R, Amtsfeld J, Reimers N, Eisenhauer A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Preventing osteoporosis-related risk of implant failure in pertrochanteric femur fractures by combination of optimized osteosynthesis devices and calcium isotope diagnostics
Schwanbeck R, Müller M, Borowsky R, Heuser A, Grube D, Khajavi F, Reimers N[Full Text]