gms | German Medical Science

German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (DKOU 2024)

22. - 25.10.2024, Berlin

AB65 Thorakolumbale Wirbelsäulenverletzungen

Meeting Abstract (AB65-3421)

Anterior column reconstruction of the thoracolumbar spine with a modular Carbon-PEEK vertebral body replacement device: Single center retrospective cohort analysis of 28 cases with 1.5 years follow-up

Schaible SF, Aregger FC, Bigdon SF, Benneker LM, Albers CE, Deml MC
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Meeting Abstract (AB65-2975)

Lateral lumbar and thoracic interbody fusion (LLIF) for thoracolumbar spine trauma (Trauma LLIF) – a single-center, retrospective observational cohort study

Gianoli D
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Meeting Abstract (AB65-2128)

Assessment of intervertebral disc lesions among thoracolumbar high-energy and fragility fractures treated with the SpineJack®-system: A retrograde analysis of 204 fractures

Scherer J, Karner M, Osterhoff G, Sprengel K, Pape HC
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Meeting Abstract (AB65-2658)

Operative Therapie von Frakturen der thorakolumbalen Wirbelsäule bei Patienten mit ankylosierender Spondylarthropathie – hat die Operationstechnik einen Einfluss auf Schraubenfehllage, Repositionsgüte und knöcherne Konsolidierung?

Wehner C, Schenk P, Brakopp FH, Kobbe P, Ullrich BW, Mendel T
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Meeting Abstract (AB65-3023)

Recurrence of kyphosis after surgical fixation of burst fractures

Bäcker H, Johnson M, Cunningham J
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Meeting Abstract (AB65-3020)

Neurological impairment prediction in burst fractures based on MRI findings

Bäcker H, Johnson M, Cunningham J
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