German Congress of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery (DKOU 2017)
24.10. - 27.10.2017, Berlin
Wissenschaftliche Themen
IN33 Arthroplasty – the young patient
Meeting Abstract
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Total hip arthroplasty for developmental dysplasia: mid-term results
Gómez H. J, Gómez G. R[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Anatomic vs high rotation center in total hip arthroplasty for high developmental dysplasia
Gómez H. J, Gómez G. R[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Results of the total hip replacement in patients with dysplasia who were operated in childhood
Markov D, Zvereva K[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Total hip arthroplasty in Crowe type III and IV Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Taheriazam A, Safdari F[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Total hip arthroplasty for fused hip
Taheriazam A, Safdari F[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Iliopsoas impingement after THR
Caviglia H, Gomez L, Bugallo F, Cambiaggi G, del Soldato G, Galatro G[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Is AVN due to systemic lupus erythematous associated with increased risk of complications following THA?
Cui Q, Cancienne J, Werner B[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Analysis and treatment strategy of intra-operative acetabular fractures during total hip arthroplasty
Sun Y, Shao M, Wang Q, He T, Chen L, Liu Y, Zou X, He W[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Analyse der Einflussfaktoren auf das Migrationsverhalten von Kurzschaftprothesen – eine prospektive RSA-Analyse
Flörkemeier T, Schwarze M, von Lewinski G, Hurschler C, Windhagen H, Budde S[Full Text]