69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC)
Joint Meeting mit der Mexikanischen und Kolumbianischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e. V.
03.06. - 06.06.2018, Münster
Vorträge Montag, 04.06.2018
Gliomas: Experimental I
Meeting Abstract
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The tumour suppressor-like function of programmed cell death 10 in glioblastoma
Zhu Y, Weng Y, Wan X, Nickel AC, Keyvani K, Sure U[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Cellular microenvironment of glioblastoma multiforme: the regulartoryrole of astrocytes
Medina RD, Frenking J, Delev D, Schnell O, Heiland DH[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Alteration of HIF-signaling: driver of transcriptional heterogeneity
Gaebelein A, Heynckes S, Delev D, Mader I, Schnell O, Heiland DH[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Comparative whole genome sequencing of an osseous metastasis during immunologically controlled intracranial glioblastoma reveals new insights into potential mechanisms of immune escape – a molecular case profile
Mohme M, Schliffke S, Maire C, Joosse S, Alawi M, Westphal M[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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The vascularization potential of endothelial-like cd105+ glioma stem cells
Xu R, Wang R, Vajkoczy P, Tabar V[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Intracerebral immunmodulation by IL12/IL7-expressing mesenchymal stem cells induces long-term survival and immunity in glioblastoma
Schmidt NO, Mohme M, Geumann U, Dührsen L, Maire C, Günther C, Westphal M, Hermann F[Full Text]