69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC)
Joint Meeting mit der Mexikanischen und Kolumbianischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e. V.
03.06. - 06.06.2018, Münster
Vorträge Mittwoch, 06.06.2018
Secondary Brain Tumors I
Meeting Abstract
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The incidence of cerebral metastases in 1406 patients with newly diagnosed malignant melanoma – the influence of newer therapies
Saric N, Gutenberg A, Kalasauskas D, Franciska R, Ringel F, Loquai C, Giese A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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For a fistful of cells: does R0-resection matter in cerebral metastases?
Hussein A, Barrantes Freer A, Fiss I, Wolfert C, Hernández-Durán S, Mielke D, Rohde V, Schatlo B[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Receptor conversion of breast cancer brain metastasis affects tumor location and improves survival
Michel A, Pierscianek D, Zkan N, Müller O, Sure U, El Hindy N[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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MET mutation status does not predict outcome in patients with non-small cell lung cancer brain metastases
Hernández-Durán S, Wolfert C, Barrantes Freer A, Hussein A, Rohde V, Bleckmann A, Schatlo B[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
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Malignant lymphoma as primary spinal manifestation: a rare disease
Barz M, Janssen I, Ryang YM, Meyer B, Gempt J[Full Text]