67th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
Joint Meeting with the Korean Neurosurgical Society (KNS)
German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
12 - 15 June 2016, Frankfurt am Main
P XI Zerebrale Aneurysmen 3: Subarachnoidalblutung
Meeting Abstract
(P 079)
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Role of nitric oxide (NO) in acidosis induced vasodilation of isolated rat middle cerebral artery – more than no 20-HETE
Lindauer U, Becker K, Eskina I, Pinkernell S[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 080)
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Effect of anti-inflammatory drugs in the early phase after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
Vadokas G, Koehler S, Weiland J, Lilla N, Ernestus RI, Westermaier T[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 081)
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Patterns of death in experimental subarachnoidal hemorrhage
Dibué-Adjei M, Dietrich C, Steiger HJ, Schneider T, Hänggi D, Kamp MA[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 082)
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Plumbagin improves neurological outcome and brain edema after experimental SAH in rats
Ho WM, Thomé C, Zhang J[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 083)
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Interleukin-6 in the cerebrospinal fluid as a biomarker for diagnosing vasospasm and ventriculitis in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and external ventricular drain
Lenski M, Huge V, Briegel J, Tonn JC, Schichor C, Thon N[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 084)
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Risk factors for rebleeding after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a retrospective study
van Lieshout JH, Pumplün I, Fischer I, Kamp M, Steiger HJ, Petridis A[Full Text]