66th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
Friendship Meeting with the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch)
German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC)
7 - 10 June 2015, Karlsruhe
P II Freie Themen I: Neuroonkologie Varia
Meeting Abstract
(P 021)
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Malignant transformation of a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor characterized by 450k methylation array: A case report
Heiland DH, Staszewski O, Masalha W, Machein M, Capper D, Prinz M, Weyerbrock A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 022)
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Infratentorial angioleiomyoma of the cavernous subtype: a rare location of a soft tissue tumor
Younsi A, Schweizer L, Sakowitz OW, Unterberg A[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 023)
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Intramedullary solitary fibrous tumor – a benign form of hemangiopericytoma? Case report and review of the literature
Bruder M, Tews D, Mittelbronn M, Capper D, Seifert V, Marquardt G[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 024)
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Riluzole treatment of brain tumor initiating cells decreases expression of glucose transporter 3
Ninkovic M, Sperling S, Thiha A, Rohde V[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 025)
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Neuroenteric cysts – a single center series of 10 cases
Fritzsche F, Czorlich P, Matschke J, Glatzel M, Westphal M, Emami P[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 026)
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Chemokine secretion of murine neuronglia co-cultures influences neuronal vitality and neurite branching after exposure to superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Glumm J, Neubert J, Wagner S, Bräuer A, Kiwit J[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 027)
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Impact of pre-OP frailty-scores on mortality after resection of limited brain metastases
Siam L, Bleckmann A, Kirchner B, Stockhammer F, Rohde V, Pukrop T[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 028)
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5-aminolaevulinic acid-induced fluorescence in primary central nervous system lymphoma
Evers G, Kamp M, Warneke N, Berdel WE, Stummer W, Ewelt C[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 029)
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Malignant neuroepithelial tumor of the medulla oblongata – Result of a complex interdisciplinary treatment
Franz K, Tichy J, Schulze B, Hattingen E, Seifert V, Senft C[Full Text]
Meeting Abstract
(P 030)
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Visual workflow analysis in image-guided neuro-oncosurgery – An interdisciplinary pilot study
Roethe AL, Vajkoczy P, Picht T[Full Text]