gms | German Medical Science

131. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

25.03. - 28.03.2014, Berlin

Intraoperatives Imaging

Meeting Abstract (14dgch229)

Intraoperative MRI and 5-ALA to maximize resection in brain tumor surgery – a prospective analysis

Senft C, Geßler F, Hattingen E, Mittelbronn M, Franz K, Seifert V
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Meeting Abstract (14dgch230)

CT-gestützte Neuronavigation und intraoperative CT-Resektionskontrolle bei der operativen Entfernung von Schädelbasistumoren mit Orbita- oder N. opticus-Beteiligung

Terpolilli NA, Kunz M, Rachinger W, Tonn JC, Schichor C
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Meeting Abstract (14dgch231)

Intraoperative cortical thermography – challenges and opportunities

Radev Y, Hoffmann N, Hollmach J, Schnabel C, Sobottka S, Koch E, Schackert G, Steiner G, Kirsch M
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Meeting Abstract (14dgch232)

Optical Imaging for localization of stimulated brain areas during neurosurgery

Sobottka SB, Meyer T, Kirsch M, Juratli T, Koch E, Morgenstern U, Schackert G
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Meeting Abstract (14dgch233)

Outcome of Patients with Cerebral Metastasis undergoing iMRI-guided Tumor Resection

Senft C, Geßler F, Dützmann S, Harter P, Franz K, Seifert V
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Meeting Abstract (14dgch234)

Second look in 3D: Intraoperative use of 3D fluoroscopy during posterior thoracolumbar canullated transpedicular spine instrumentation procedures. Accuracy and possible benefits

Tomasino A, Lumenta CB
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Meeting Abstract (14dgch235)

Real-time continuous ultrasound-guided placement of ventricular catheters

Sarikaya-Seiwert S, Beez T, Steiger HJ, Hänggi D
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