gms | German Medical Science

83. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V.

16.05. - 20.05.2012, Mainz


Meeting Abstract (12hno27)

Self-assessment of CI Users before and after Using a Music-Training-Program

Adams D, Brendel M, Pohl L, Büchner A, Lenarz T, Illg A
Meeting Abstract (12hno28)

Long-term experience with EAS cochlear implantation in children with high grade hearing loss

Al Jeraisi T, Jurawitz MC, Büchner A, Schüssler M, Lesinski-Schiedat A, Lenarz T
Meeting Abstract (12hno29)

Is there a response shift in quality of life assessment after tympanoplasty?

Baumann I, Plinkert P, Praetorius M
Meeting Abstract (12hno30)

Correlation of pure tone thresholds and hearing loss for numbers for plausibility checking in expertise

Dochtermann S, Hempel JM, Schorn K, Braun T
Meeting Abstract (12hno31)

Temporal onset pattern of Cre recombinase under promotor Brn3.1 in hair cells

Frenz S, John K, Rak K, Jablonka S, Hagen R, Mlynski R
Meeting Abstract (12hno32)

Affective Processing in Tinnitus Patients assessed by fMRI

Georgiewa P, Haupt H, Klapp BF, Mazurek B
Meeting Abstract (12hno33)

Molecular mechanisms of interleukin-6-induced otoprotection

Gerschner E, Olze H, Szczepek AJ, Mazurek B
Meeting Abstract (12hno34)

Sequential cochlear implantation in a congenitally deaf adult after early initial implantation: a case report

Giourgas A, Gärtner L, Illg A, Lesinski-Schiedat A, Lenarz T
Meeting Abstract (12hno35)

Cell-specific distribution patterns after intratympanic application of gentamicin and doxycyclin within the guinea pig cochlea

Heinrich UR, Fischer I, Brieger J, Mann WJ, Helling K
Meeting Abstract (12hno36)

Influence of dexamethason on nitric oxide (NO)-production in the guinea pig cochlea and hearing threshold shift after intratympanic application

Helling K, Fischer I, Brieger J, Mann WJ, Heinrich UR
Meeting Abstract (12hno37)

Quality of life analysis of surgery for outer ear canal exostoses and osteomata

Hempel JM, Forell S, Krause E, Braun T
Meeting Abstract (12hno38)

Comparison of daily use of music in families with CI children and normal hearing children

Illg A, Rieck D, Lenarz T, Lesinski-Schiedat A
Meeting Abstract (12hno39)

First results after intratympanic insertion of a Gelitta-cortisone-sponge in patients with an idiopathic sudden hearing loss

Jenckel F, Eichel L, Knecht R, Dalchow C
Meeting Abstract (12hno40)

Application of the CliP Partial FlexiBAL Implants in the case of treatment of patients with otitis media

Langer J, Begall K
Meeting Abstract (12hno41)

The dependency of the postoperative hearing benefit after incus stapedotomy on the used anesthesia procedure

Loewenthal M, Thomalla R, Knecht R, Dalchow C
Meeting Abstract (12hno42)

Vestibular function disorders after cochlear implantation

Louza J, Gürkov R, Krause E
Meeting Abstract (12hno43)

Craniomandibular dysfunction as a differntial diagnosis of ENT diseases

Müller R, Marré B
Meeting Abstract (12hno44)

Functional results after cholesteatoma surgery with the retrograde mastoidectomy technique

Noack V, Venjacob J, Dazert S, Minovi AA
Meeting Abstract (12hno45)

Cyclic Neutropenia: ENT-Symptoms and their treatment

Nospes S, Keilmann A
Meeting Abstract (12hno46)

What happens to the bony electrode groove? – A classical technique in the light of revision surgery

Pethe W, Langer J, Begall K
Meeting Abstract (12hno47)

Tinnitus compensation in humans

Pilz B, Hofmann G, Zahnert T
Meeting Abstract (12hno48)

Mastoid obliteration with a highly porous bone grafting material (NanoBone®) in combination with cartilage First long-term results

Punke C, Just T, Pau HW