gms | German Medical Science

68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)

17.09. - 21.09.23, Heilbronn

VS15 Medical Biometry I

Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 124)

A New Parametric Accelerated Failure Time Model for Semi-Competing Risk Data

Dineva A, Kuß O, Hoyer A
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 163)

Two of one kind: A new perspective on the AUC and the pAUC in diagnostic trials

Kramer K, Friedrich S
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 179)

Evaluating non-inferiority in a gold standard design using nonparametric methods

Rubarth K, Sattler P, Konietschke F
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 209)

Determining Pairwise Weights in Bayesian Basket Trials Using Monotonic Splines

Thalmann P, Baumann L, Kieser M
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 237)

Comparing methods to handle missing values in the index test in diagnostic studies – a simulation study

Stahlmann K, Kellerhuis B, Zapf A
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 255)

Analysis of recurrent heart failure hospitalisation – why an assessment of mortality should be the gatekeeper?

Liu X, Koch A