7th EFSMA – European Congress of Sports Medicine, 3rd Central European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Annual Assembly of the German and the Austrian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Austrian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
26.-29.10.2011, Salzburg, Österreich
Lectures & Oral Presentations
N: Sports Injuries
Meeting Abstract
A novel approach to acute ankle sprain alphabet exercises
Konin J, Cardinal K, Parikh V[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Acute injuries and overuse syndromes in sport climbing and bouldering in Austria
Pieber K, Angelmaier L, Csapo R, Herceg M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
High number of hamate hook fractures in underwater rugby players
Kamusella P, Scheufler O, Tadda L, Radmer S, Russo S, Andresen R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Injuries in female spanish top level handball team
Ferri-Caruana AM, Mayo-Santamaría C, Sarti-Martínez MA[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Injuries in synchronized skating
Dubravcic-Simunjak S, Kuipers H, Moran J, Simunjak B, Pecina M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Reconstruction of the sternoclavicular joint in active patients with the figure-of-eight technique using hamstrings
Ferlic P, Herfert J, Singer G, Eberl R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Scaphoid fractures in elite Handball athletes
Manavis K, Stefas E, Lyrtzis C, Natsis K, Kotzamanidou M, Alaseirlis D[Volltext]