102. Jahrestagung der DOG
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.
23. bis 26.09.2004, Berlin
Vorträge Donnerstag, 23.09.2004
Katarakt I - Allgemeines, Biometrie
Meeting Abstract
Changes of the lens epithelium with respect to cataractogenesis
Tkachov SI, Struck HG, Lautenschlager C[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
High incidence of juvenile cataracts in patients from Kazakhstan
Holak H, Holak S, Borschke K, Lemmer I, Holak N[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
The ciliary muscle activity in pseudophakic eyes
Stachs O, Schneider H, Martin H, Guthoff RF[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Clinical importance of the lens opacities classification system III (LOCS III) in phacoemulsification
Bencic G, Zoric-Geber M, Mandic Z[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Refractive indices of ocular media for optical biometry
Haigis W, Hasche H, Much MM[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Evaluation of biometrical measurement methods of the anterior segment
Meinhardt B, Stachs O, Stave J, Beck R, Guthoff RF[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Retinal thickness after uncomplicated phacoemulsification
Degenring RF, Vey S, Kamppeter B, Budde WM, Sauder G, Jonas JB[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
The clinical evaluation of the IOL Master Focus in comparison to the slit-lamp pachymetry
Beck R, Stachs O, Schneider H, Franke K, Guthoff RF[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Normal Transmission of the Human Lens with Age
Holladay JT[Volltext]