102. Jahrestagung der DOG
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.
23. bis 26.09.2004, Berlin
Vorträge Donnerstag, 23.09.2004
Trauma, Varia
Meeting Abstract
The surprising finding and removal of a large plastic foreign body through the corneal wound from the vitreous cavity with good outcome
Gracner B, Pahor D, Gracner T[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Kabul 2003 - eye injuries in a terrorist bombing
Gümbel H, Cibis A, v. Ehr M, Bocks A, Nerkelun S, Lipke KJ[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Homologues scleral patch grafts in the management of scleral and corneo-scleral defects
Kompa S, Redbrake C, Remky A, Arend O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
First results of a software-based microscope-tracking system used for anterior segment eye surgery
Lischka T, Kijak A, Schulz SD, Burisch M, Zessack B, Grigat RR, Richard G[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Surgical treatment of cyclodialysis
Augsten R, Königsdörffer E[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
CTGF is the fibrogenic mediator of TGF-β in PVR disease
Welge-Lüßen U, Fuchshofer R, Kampik A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Exudative AMD caused by an inflammatory process?
Hermans P, Müller KD, Bornfeld N, Pauleikhoff D[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Basic training in techniques for the blind in the network of rehabilitation of recently blinded people
Stelker A, Kunze S[Volltext]