102. Jahrestagung der DOG
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.
23. bis 26.09.2004, Berlin
Vorträge Donnerstag, 23.09.2004
Glaukom II - Diagnostik
Meeting Abstract
The importance of corneal thickness in the diagnosis of glaucoma
Stodtmeister R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Intraocular pressure and corneal thickness
Domke N, Hager A, Wiegand W[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Deviations between transpalpebral tonometry using TGDc01 and Goldmann applanation tonometry depending on the IOP level
Troost A, Specht K, Krummenauer F, Yun SH, Pfeiffer N, Schwenn O[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Frequency of intraocular pressure spikes in primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Köller AU, Paul D, Böhm AG, Pillunat LE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Spontaneous high refractive error due to malignant glaucoma
Groppe MHM, Choontanom R, Busse H, Thanos S, Uhlig CE[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Correlation of blue/yellow perimetry and HRT topography of the optic nerve head in patients with ocular hypertension
Jordan JF, Dinslage S, Lüke C, Dietlein TS, Krieglstein GK[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Diagnostical value of autoantibody profiles in glaucoma
Grus FH, Joachim SC, Pfeiffer N[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Diagnostic difficulties of glaucoma in optic disc coloboma cases
Pecold-Stepniewska H, Klosowska-Zawadka A, Wasilewicz R, Karolczak-Kulesza M[Volltext]