gms | German Medical Science

16. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung

Deutsches Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung e. V.

4. - 6. Oktober 2017, Berlin

Englischer Track
Healthcare Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Innovative Theories, Methods, and Concepts

Meeting Abstract (V127)

Dementia Special Care Units in German nursing homes – study protocol of a realist evaluation

Palm R, Holle B
Meeting Abstract (V128)

The complex phenomenon of “stability of home-based care arrangements for people living with dementia” – an innovative meta-study to synthesize qualitative and quantitative evidence

Köhler K, Dreyer J, von Kutzleben M, Holle B
Meeting Abstract (V129)

The effectiveness of Dementia Care Management – results of a cluster-randomized controlled intervention trial

Michalowsky BN, Dreier-Wolfgramm A, Thyrian JR, Wucherer D, Zwingmann I, Hoffmann W
Meeting Abstract (V130)

“Bear Ye One Another's Burden”: The efficacy of Dementia Care Management for informal dementia caregivers

Zwingmann I, Thyrian JR, Michalowsky BN, Hertel J, Wucherer D, Dreier-Wolfgramm A, Hoffmann W
Meeting Abstract (V131)

Unmet care needs in the oldest old primary care patients with cognitive disorders: Results of the AgeCoDe & AgeQualiDe Study

Stein J, Pabst A, Luck T, Lühmann D, Heser K, Jessen F, Bickel H, Mösch E, Pentzek M, Fuchs A, Wiese B, Mamone S, König HH, Brettschneider C, Werle J, Scherer M, Maier W, Weyerer S, Riedel-Heller SG