66. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC)
Friendship Meeting mit der Italienischen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (SINch)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e. V.
7. - 10. Juni 2015, Karlsruhe
Vorträge Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015
MI.14 Zerebrovaskuläre Therapie 8: Vasospasmen
Meeting Abstract
Is there an influence of routine daily transcranial doppler examination on clinical outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage?
Ehrlich G, Kirschning T, Hegewald AA, Schmiedek P, Scharf J, Seiz-Rosenhagen M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Practical limitations of vasospasm prophylaxis with oral nimodipine in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Sandow N, Diesing D, Vajkoczy P, Wolf S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Prediction of cerebral infarction after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with a risk score
Jabbarli R, Reinhard M, Roelz R, Shah M, Kaier K, Taschner C, Velthoven VV[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Inhibition of Endothelin-1 receptors does not influence microvasospasm and neurological outcome after experimental SAH
Terpolilli N, Dienel A, Heumos N, Plesnila N, Schöller K[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Relevance of the distal cerebral vasospasm and its correlation with unfavorable clinical and radiological outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Fontana J, Wenz H, Scharf J, Schmieder K, Barth M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
MR-angiography allows to differentiate severity grades of cerebral vasospasm in an experimental double blood injection subarachnoid hemorrhage model in rats
Malinova V, Atangana EN, Psychogios MN, Wrede A, Schulz-Schaeffer W, Koennecke B, Rohde V, Mielke D[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Continuous intra arterial application of nimodipine as treatment of severe cerebral vasospasm – results of 20 patients
Bele S, Scheitzach J, Hochreiter A, Kieninger M, Brawanski A[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment in neurosurgery – indications and limitations in complex ischemic cerebrovascular therapy
Schomacher M, Müller O, Veit S, Moskopp D[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Intraarterial and systemic application of Milrinone in the treatment of severe vasospasm caused by SAH
Brucker R, Gebetsroither P, Vorwerk D, Asgari S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Delayed cerebral ischemia in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage – The role of serum D-dimer and C-reachtive protein as early markers
Hurth H, Stanojevic M, Tatagiba MS, Steiner J, Birkenhauer U, Ernemann U, Ebner FH[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Clinical impact and incidence of acute postinterventional vasospasm detected in a hybrid operating room for surgical and endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms
Danura H, Schatlo B, Marbacher S, Kerkeni H, Diepers M, Remonda L, Fathi AR, Fandino J[Volltext]