128. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
03.05. - 06.05.2011, München
Sitzungen am 05.05.2011
Ischämie/Reperfusion und Transplantation
Meeting Abstract
Role of Lipocalin-2 in chemotaxis during ischemia and reperfusion injury following solid organ transplantation
Aigner F, Maier H, Sickinger S, Schwelberger H, Vallant N, Kofler M, König S, Schneeberger S, Troppmair J, Pratschke J[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Immunosuppressant-induced microvascular thrombus formation is not further aggravated by ischemia-reperfusion-injury
Püschel A, Vollmar B, Klar E[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Tetrahydrobiopterin protects pancreatic grafts from ischemia-reperfuson-injury: does the endothelial nitric oxide synthase play a role?
Cardini B, Brandacher G, Hermann M, Watschinger K, Oberhuber R, Obrist P, Margreiter R, Pratschke J, Werner ER, Maglione M[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Hypothermic reconditioning by gaseous oxygen improves survival after transplantation of marginally preserved livers in the pig
Koetting M, Koetting M, Kaiser G, Paul A, Minor T[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Model of a vascularised chamber for tissue transplantation
Bötticher G, Knoch K, Solimena M, Saeger HD, Kersting S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Donor and Recipient Body Mass Index Correlate with Initial Kidney Graft Function
Weißenbacher A, Biebl M, Jara M, Bösmüller C, Pratschke J, Öllinger R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Results of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy (LLDN) in extended criteria donors
Biebl M, Ratschiller T, Weissenbacher A, Öllinger R, Bösmüller C, Sucher R, Oberhuber R, Pratschke J, Mark W[Volltext]