8th International Symposium on Age-related Macular Degeneration: Understanding pathogenetic mechanism – towards clinical translation
08. - 09.09.2023, Baden-Baden
Ageing of the outer retina, RPE and choroid: immunity I
Meeting Abstract
En-face high-axial resolution optical coherence tomography imaging in atrophic AMD: clinical signs
Dolz-Marco R, Vidal-Oliver L, Marzo SM, Gallego-Pinazo R[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Detection of sub-retinal epithelial cell layer deposits in mice by zinc staining using ex-vivo and in-vivo methods
McPherson S, Roehrich H, van Kuijk FJ[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Inflammatory environment caused dysfunctional autophagy in primary RPE monolayers
Hurst J, Fietz A, Schnichels S[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Retrospective evaluation of complement components and activation products measurements in patients with AMD in a diagnostic setting
Lechanteur Y, Shahabi M, Cinque F, Klaver C, van den Heuvel B[Volltext]
Meeting Abstract
Paradoxical complement inhibitor response in highly penetrant CFH variant, compared to control iPSC lines
ten Brink S, Koolen L, Gagliardi G, Bakker B, Klaver CCW, Lechanteur YTE, Albert S, Bakker R, den Hollander AI, Almedawar S[Volltext]