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December 18, 2015
New journal: GMS Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft

On December 17, 2015, "GMS Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft" (GMS Journal of Midwifery Science) went online, a new journal edited by the German Society of Midwifery Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hebammenwissenschaft e.V.; DGHWi).

The DGHWi now publishes the original articles of the print edition "Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft" (Journal of Midwifery Science) open access via GMS. "GMS Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft" comprises original articles on theory, research or subjects relevant to midwifery practice and documents the society’s official position statements based on evidence. The contributions appear in German or English with abstracts in both languages.

The board members of the independent scientific society (DGHWi) are delighted to provide unlimited and free access to the scientific articles in this journal. Thus researchers, clinicians, educators, and students of the German-speaking countries, and those who are proficient in English, will be able to use these resources and participate in the scientific discourse in midwifery. It advocates evidence-based health care of women and their families during pregnancy and birth as well as the postpartum and breast-feeding period, which is oriented towards their individual needs.

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