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Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI, German Initiative for Network Information)


April 4, 2012
Special issue "Hygiene in the dental practice" of "GMS Krankenhaushygiene Interdisziplinär" published

15 articles dealing with current developments of hygiene in the dental practice have been published on April 4, 2012 in the journal "GMS Krankenhaushygiene Interdisziplinär".

This new issue of "GMS Krankenhaushygiene Interdisziplinär" deals with a number of topics related to quality management and primary prevention of infection in dental medicine and maxillofacial surgery. In a review article, quality indicators in dental medicine are discussed. Other articles deal with the impact of existing infection control and quality management recommendations, the efficient reprocessing of dental instruments and the microbial contamination of waterlines in dental units. Finally, the "Recommendations for design and requirements of hand rub and liquid soap dispensers in healthcare settings" by the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH) and the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (ÖGHMP) are presented.

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