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Germany, Land of Ideas

Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI, German Initiative for Network Information)


August 30, 2006
New journal GMS Krankenhaushygiene Interdisziplinär online

In 2005, the German Society of Hospital Hygiene organized together with the German Society of Wound Healing and Wound Therapy and the German Society of Phlebology the first conference on "The infected problem-wound". The topic of this conference was chosen to be the leading theme of the first issue of the online-journal "GMS Krankenhaushygiene Interdisziplinär". The editors have tried to summarize the conference presentations into a coherent text using many original images of presented wounds and detailed application use of modern wound dressings in the context of problem-oriented wound management. The journal's issue focuses on therapeutic and preventive, nursing as well as hygienic-microbiological aspects with special emphasis on alternative treating options like water-filtered infrared A (wIRA), photodynamic therapy using photosensitizes, antibacterial medical honey, maggot therapy, or positive and negative polarity high voltage pulsed current. In addition, modern trends of prevention of wound infection are presented such as vacuum assisted closure (VAC) of wounds, closed suction-rinse drainage, hand hygiene, staff protection and immediate measures after accidental contamination, aseptic techniques, antiseptic impregnated suturing material, and possibilities for skin care. Finally, the journal's issue also covers legal aspects as well as information on advanced training curses like the certified wound manager®, the Network for Quality Control in Nursing, or the training program for reprocessing of medical devices.