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Figure 3: Intralabyrinthine schwannomas (a intracochlear; b intravestibular) with symptoms of sudden hearing loss: a, a’: Because of the symptoms of sudden hearing loss with mild to moderate medio-cochlear hearing loss, a MRI (axial, T1-w, contrast agent) had been performed in 2005. It showed a very small contrast enhancing mass in the right cochlea (arrow). In the course of 10 years, the tumor showed a progressive growth until it filled the whole cochlea. It was removed via subtotal cochleoectomy with partial reconstruction of the cochlea and insertion of a CI electrode dummy. The functions of the semicircular canals were preserved [53]. b, b’: Intravestibular schwannoma in the vestibule (arrow, T2-w, axial) with Meničre’s disease like complaints and mild acute hearing loss in the lower frequency range. After increasing vertigo, the tumor was resected via labyrinthectomy and in the same session hearing rehabilitation was performed with cochlear implantation. CM: contrast medium; w: weighted. (b’: Department of Radiology, University Medicine Halle, courtesy of Prof. Dr. S. Kösling).