gms | German Medical Science


Figure 7: Histological findings after 1 week, 4 weeks and 6 months of implantation time

The defect of the gastric wall (marked by arrows) is characterized by the lack of the stomach epithelium in both magnifications (1.5x, 5x) after 1 week of implantation time. The marginal area next to the defect zone showed a regular stomach epithelium marked by stars. After 1 week of implantation time a beginning tissue regeneration was detectable from the marginal area next to the defect zone. The polymeric material used for defect closure was removed due to the xylene and ethanol treatment and cutting of paraffin sections and was not detactable on most of the histological sections. After 4 weeks and 6 months of implantation time in all animals a histological regular-layered gastric wall was detected in the former defect zone (marked by arrows). The marginal area of the former defect is marked by stars.

Abbreviations: H.E. staining = Hematoxylin Eosin staining