gms | German Medical Science

G-I-N Conference 2012

Guidelines International Network

22.08 - 25.08.2012, Berlin

The Circle of Life, continuous improvement of Clinical Practice Guidelines in the Netherlands

Meeting Abstract

Suche in Medline nach

  • M. Tilma - CCC NL (Comprehensive Cancer Center The Netherlands), Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • T. van Vegchel - CCC NL (Comprehensive Cancer Center The Netherlands), Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • S. Kersten - CCC NL (Comprehensive Cancer Center The Netherlands), Utrecht, The Netherlands

Guidelines International Network. G-I-N Conference 2012. Berlin, 22.-25.08.2012. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2012. DocO70

doi: 10.3205/12gin102, urn:nbn:de:0183-12gin1024

Veröffentlicht: 10. Juli 2012

© 2012 Tilma et al.
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Background: Publishing clinical practice guidelines (CPG) in pdf should not be the endpoint of guideline development. Instead, a continuous circle of developing, implementing, evaluating and revising CPGs, combined with additional research, visibly improves the quality of healthcare.

Best practices: Use of a good network, with healthcare professionals, (scientific) organizations, to frequently explore a CPG necessity and to select and prioritize major topics; Trained professionals, experienced process managers and literature searchers, combined with solid internationally approved quality criteria together develop CPGs; Crosslink CPGs for multidisciplinary approach (example genetics, nursing, nutrition, psychosocial support, rehabilitation, return to work, symptom control, palliative care);

Tailored implementation: use knowledge brokers in national, regional and local networks. Integrate CPGs in care pathways and decision support. Discuss major changes - and strategies for implementation - with various professionals in different care settings across the whole spectrum of cancer (supportive and palliative) care; Use dashboards to monitor the quality of care and help professionals improve themselves; Gather gaps in knowledge while developing CPGs to support new research; Evaluate the use of CPGs, diagnosis and treatment using the Dutch Cancer Registry and other scientific research outcomes. If needed adjust implementation strategy or recommendations.

The circle never ends...

Lessons for guideline developers, adaptors, implementers, and/or users: Our unique combination of tools and disciplines for developing, implementing, evaluating and revising increases the quality and use of CPGs and thereby the quality of healthcare.