gms | German Medical Science

68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)

17.09. - 21.09.23, Heilbronn

VS05 FAIR Data Management

Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 97)

Approaching automation of multiple instance orchestration of the menoci web portal

Freckmann L, Henke C, Kossen R, Weber L, Suhr M, Sax U, Nussbeck SY, Kusch H
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Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 281)

FAIR data management in clinical research. Integrating patient and genomic cancer data with cBioPortal

Rheinländer S, Beyer N, Knak M, Hessmann E, Sax U
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Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 327)

Adapting study IT to the changing tide of times in a population-based cohort study on its path to FAIRness – an application example

Schmidt CO, Struckmann S, Radke D, Richter A, Kasbohm E, Westphal S, Leddig T, Henke J
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