gms | German Medical Science

35. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmochirurgie (DOC)

15.06. - 17.06.2023, Nürnberg


Meeting Abstract (EPO 2.1)

A randomized, double masked, active controlled, crossover phase III equivalence study of generic dorzolamide 2% versus innovator Trusopt® eye drop solution in subjects with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension

Beck A, Bell K, Korb C, Butsch C, Giers BC, Strzalkowska A, Ruckes C, Klingbeil U, Pfeiffer N, Lorenz K
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Meeting Abstract (EPO 2.2)

A new continuous two-point traction suture technique for glaucoma filtration surgery

Sone T, Nikaido T, Hirota K
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