gms | German Medical Science

German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (DKOU 2021)

26. - 29.10.2021, Berlin

AB22 Knie Endo Prothesendesign I Knee Arthroplasty Design

Meeting Abstract (AB22-725)

The Correct Insert Thickness Restores Maximal Internal-External Rotation of a Medial Stabilized Posterior Cruciate Ligament Retaining TKA During Passive Flexion

Nedopil A, Howell S, Hull M, Rudert M
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Meeting Abstract (AB22-535)

CR, CS und PS KTEP: Welche Versorgung stellt das physiologische Rollback wieder her

Thorwächter C, Hammerschmid F, Woiczinski M, Dupraz I, Grupp TM, Müller PE, Jansson V, Steinbrück A
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Meeting Abstract (AB22-684)

Langzeitergebnisse einer single-design Condylar Constrained Knie TEP in der komplexen Primär- und Revisionsendoprothetik

Schmidt-Bräkling T, Schwarze J, Gosheger G, Poggenpohl L, Dieckmann R, Moellenbeck B, Schlechter M, Theil C
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Meeting Abstract (AB22-219)

Which Asymmetric Tibial Component is Optimally Designed for Calipered Kinematically Aligned TKA?

Nedopil A, Howell S, Hull M, Rudert M
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Meeting Abstract (AB22-824)

Coronal plane passive knee kinematic curve morphology is defined by distal femoral and not proximal tibial articular anatomy

Ismailidis P, McEwen P
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Meeting Abstract (AB22-295)

Measuring Appropriate Need for Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Results of the MANUKA study

Klasan A, Luger M, Hochgatterer R, Young S
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Meeting Abstract (AB22-340)

Medial unicondylar knee arthroplasty should be reserved for patients with complete joint space collapse

Wurm A, Zechling A, Leitner H, Pfeifer B, Krismer M, Liebensteiner M
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