gms | German Medical Science

1st International Conference of the German Society of Nursing Science

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft e. V.

04.05. - 05.05.2018, Berlin

Oral sessions
Vulnerable people in special care situations

Meeting Abstract (18dgpO29)

Patient participation in 10 projects in palliative care: a multiple case study

Moser A, Moes-Melchior I, Stoffers E, Suntjens F, van der Heijden A
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Meeting Abstract (18dgpO30)

What happens when technology enters the home – a systematic and integrative review focusing home mechanical ventilator treatment

Lindahl B, Kirk S
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Meeting Abstract (18dgpO31)

Everyday-life experiences of children and young people with home mechanical ventilation

Israelsson-Skogsberg Å, Lindahl B
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Meeting Abstract (18dgpO32)

ICU patients’ care needs during weaning: a qualitative study comparing the views of patients, relatives and health professionals

Henkel A, Hussels B, Silies K, Krotsetis S, Balzer K
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