gms | German Medical Science

26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Retinologischen Gesellschaft

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Retinologie

27.09.2013, Hamburg

IV. My coolest surgical video

Meeting Abstract (13rg29)

27Gauge Vitrectomy – new perspectives

Pavlidis M
Meeting Abstract (13rg30)

Treatment of subretinal hemorrhage with subretinal Injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator

Chatzizisis E
Meeting Abstract (13rg31)

Rotational stability of toric lenses with 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)

Kaymak H, Breyer D, Klabe K, Pohl C
Meeting Abstract (13rg32)

Episcleral buckling with the BIOM: A novel technique

Spandau U
Meeting Abstract (13rg33)

Complications following transretinal 23G tumourbiopsy

Biewald E, Gök M, Freistühler M, Metz K, Bornfeld N
Meeting Abstract (13rg34)

Upregulation of miRNA in a single primary vitreoretinal lymphoma specimen: A new diagnostic approach?

Kakkassery V, Elling M, Loos DS, Dick HB, Schlegel U, Schroers R, Baraniskin A