gms | German Medical Science

54. Jahrestagung der Norddeutschen Orthopädenvereinigung e. V.

Norddeutsche Orthopädenvereinigung

16.06. bis 18.06.2005, Hamburg

Vorträge Knie

Meeting Abstract (05novK1.04)

Significant changes of pain processing in SII and cingulum induced by chronic painful osteoarthritis of the knee

Quante M, Hauck M, Lorenz J, Hille S, Hille E
Meeting Abstract (05novK1.05)

Measurement of the tibiofemoral contact area in a chronic meniscectomized ovine model with an electronic resistive pressure measuring sensor

von Lewinski G, Stukenborg-Colsman C, Ostermeier S, Hurschler C
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.03)

A new technique for repair of quadriceps tendon rupture by transpatellar PDS-Cerclage

Hosseini H, Agneskirchner J, Lobenhoffer P
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.04)

Mini-Invasive unicompartmental AMC-kneearthroplasty

Bontemps G, Tänzer T
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.05)

MIS unicondylar knee arthroplasty - surgical approach and early results

Buckup K, Linke L
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.06)

First experiences with computer navigation assisted minimally invasive total knee replacement

Schulze Bertelsbeck D, Veelken D
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.07)

Joint line reconstruction in TK revision-a 1-5 year follow up

Rabenseifner L
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.08)

Computer-assisted total knee replacement - stage of development

Krückhans A, Schütz S, Tichy P
Meeting Abstract (05novK2.09)

Computer assisted total knee arthroplasty of the posttraumatic osteoarthristis with previous osteitis

Böhling U, Schamberger H, Scholz J
Meeting Abstract (05novK3.04)

A randomized trial of the weight-bearing recommendation after elective knee replacement surgery

Liebs T, Drescher W, Herzberg W, Haasters J, Russlies M, Rüther W, Hassenpflug J
Meeting Abstract (05novK4.03)

Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Verbundfestigkeit im Interface Knochenzement-Metal bei zementierten Knieendoprothesen

Mumme T, Marx R, Weber M, Qunaibi M, Müller-Rath R, Andereya S, Wirtz D
Meeting Abstract (05novK4.04)

Quantitative load depending gap-balancing for PCL retaining TKR

Ritschl P, Machacek F, Fuiko R
Meeting Abstract (05novK4.05)

CT-free Computer-assisted navigation in the implantation of total knee endoprostheses

Schablowski H, Meyer O, Godolias G
Meeting Abstract (05novK5.03)

Improved technique for arthrolysis in chronic flexion deficits of the knee

Freiling D, Galla D, Lobenhoffer P
Meeting Abstract (05novK5.04)

Whole extensor mechanism allografts in knee revision surgery. A real alternative

Ribas M, Vilarrubias J, Leal J, Silberberg J, Ginebreda I
Meeting Abstract (05novK5.05)

17 months follow up after tibial fixation with a retrograde Interference screw technique in ACL-Replacement

Siekmann W
Meeting Abstract (05novK5.06)

MIS-total knee arthroplasty

Ohnsorge J, Laskin R
Meeting Abstract (05novK5.07)

Treatment of cartilage defects of the knee with a three-dimensional collagen matrix and autologous chondrocytes

Steinhagen J, Bruns J, Petersen J, Rüther W
Meeting Abstract (05novK5.08)

Therapy of joint cartilage defects in the knee joint using matrix-coupled autologous chondrocyte-transplantation

Meyer O, Godolias G
Meeting Abstract (05novK6.03)

Coordinative deficits of patients with total knee and hip arthroplasty

Oehlert K, Hassenpflug J
Meeting Abstract (05novK6.04)

VKB-Rekonstruktion mit Patellar-oder 4-fach Semitendinosus-Gracilissehnentransplantat

Witt K, Marquardt B, Nolte A, Moraldo M, Steinbeck J
Meeting Abstract (05novK6.05)

Computer-assisted preoperative planning und postoperative analysis of total knee arthroplasty (TKA)

Prietzel T, Richter K, Pilz D, von Salis-Soglio G
Meeting Abstract (05novK6.06)

Rekonstruktionsmethoden nach distaler/totaler Tibiaresektion (Allograft, gefäßgestielteFibula, Bone-Transport, Mutars®Tumorendoprothese)

Gosheger G, Laitinen M, Hardes J, Gebert C, Ahrens H, Streitbuerger A, Leidinger B, Winkelmann W
Meeting Abstract (05novK6.07)

Knee arthroplasty - a retrospective view

Tillmann K