gms | German Medical Science

Learning through Inquiry in Higher Education: Current Research and Future Challenges (INHERE 2018)

08.03. - 09.03.2018, München


Meeting Abstract (35)

Executive functions as moderators of the worked example effect on statistical reasoning – A replication study

Bichler S, Fischer F, Bühner M
Meeting Abstract (36)

Inquiry-Based Learning in Higher Education Statistics: Effects on Students’ Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, and Achievement Emotions

Bod P, Sommerhoff D
Meeting Abstract (37)

Case representation scaffolds improve diagnostic efficiency in 4th-5th year medical students: a randomized controlled laboratory study

Braun L, Zottmann J, Wirth S, Fischer M, Schmidmaier R
Meeting Abstract (38)

Training Concept: Efficient and Strategic Reading of Academic Texts

Czech H
Meeting Abstract (39)

The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in Supervisory Relationships

Dudko Y, Ouellette D, Zottmann J, Fischer M
Meeting Abstract (40)

FLIK. A concept for successfully instructing inquiry-based learning in compact seminars “en bloc”

Fischer M
Meeting Abstract (41)

Humboldt reloaded – perennial effect study, interdisciplinary projects, summer school and teaching coaching for research-based learning

Gerstenberg J, Reinmuth E, Sand J, Stefani AM, Frank C
Meeting Abstract (42)

Active open online learning: A practical approach to improving statistical literacy among learners

Herrera-Bennett A
Meeting Abstract (43)

Investigating the (Local) Archive. Student Motivation through Research-based Learning – A Case-Study from History

Klöber R
Meeting Abstract (44)

Preparing teacher students for learning by research: Fostering students’ methodological skills through inverted classroom

Mertens C, Schumacher F, Basten M
Meeting Abstract (45)

The Zeppelin Project. Undergraduate research at Zeppelin University

Nikolopoulos I, Zettl C
Meeting Abstract (46)

Implications of multiperspectivity and social reflexivity in planning (developmental) research processes with stakeholders

Reisas S, Sandmann J
Meeting Abstract (47)

Evidence-based practice: Norms of evidence production in different disciplines

Scappucci G, Osterhaus C, Fischer F
Meeting Abstract (48)

Impact assessment of inquiry based learning: Why we need additional research beside student learning

Schiefner-Rohs M, Lübcke E
Meeting Abstract (49)

Empirical assessment of approaches to learning methods in psychology

Seehoff H, Gerkensmeier I, Kedzior KK
Meeting Abstract (50)

The interplay of motivational and cognitive factors during the explanation of pedagogical situations by prospective teachers

Trempler K, Hartmann U
Meeting Abstract (51)

The nature and use of (health) design in inquiry-based learning. A case study

Fischer M
Meeting Abstract (52)

Project Laboratories and tu projects – Project based inquiry learning at the Technical University of Berlin

Haas A