gms | German Medical Science

Learning through Inquiry in Higher Education: Current Research and Future Challenges (INHERE 2018)

08.03. - 09.03.2018, München


Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Munich and the INHERE 2018 Conference!

What started in Potsdam in 2013 as a national conference on inquiry-based learning has become a national research project and a firm network of academics across institutions. The hosting ForschenLernen project encompasses Fachhochschule Potsdam, University of Applied Sciences (FH Potsdam), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin), and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich).

We welcome you all on behalf of the three partner universities, and in the name of the entire national trace research program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Our joint research project, ForschenLernen (an acronym meaning inquiry-based learning) forms part of the trace research that accompanies the Qualitätspakt Lehre (QPL) program, a national initiative by the German Government to enhance the quality of teaching in higher education.

The INHERE conference signals the completion of the ForschenLernen project. For more than three years we have investigated the question: How do different types of research-based teaching shape students' competences? The resulting activities have included quasi-experimental studies, research into learning mechanisms, as well as an assessment of the university context of inquiry-based learning.

We particularly welcome our international guests. We are proud to have the opportunity to discuss our research findings with some of the most distinguished scholars in the fields of Teaching Research, Instruction, and Undergraduate Research. Let's all enjoy this two-day international exchange and dialogue on how conducting research affects learning processes among students and how we can foster the interplay of research, teaching and learning.

Harald Mieg, Wolfgang Deicke, Frank Fischer, Martin Fischer & Jan Zottmann

Wissenschaftliches Programm