gms | German Medical Science

131. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

25.03. - 28.03.2014, Berlin

Langzeitergebnisse nach schweren Schädelhirntraumen

Meeting Abstract (14dgch236)

Rate of neurosurgical relevant complications in the period of early rehabilitation after spontaneous or traumatic intracranial haemorrhages

Kapapa T, Linder P, Pfaffenzeller A, Woischneck D
Meeting Abstract (14dgch237)

The influence of coagulopathy on outcome after traumatic subdural hematoma: a retrospective single-center analysis of 319 patients

Lemcke J, Ebenau M, Al-Zain F, Meier U
Meeting Abstract (14dgch238)

Coagulation disorders in patients with traumatic brain contusions: predictors for progression, frequency, clinical consequences, and long-term outcome

Juratli T, Sitoci KH, Schackert G, Zang B, Sobottka S
Meeting Abstract (14dgch239)

Decompressive hemicraniectomy – a management challenge in traumatic head injury

Clusmann H, Tanrikulu L, Schubert GA
Meeting Abstract (14dgch240)

Risikofaktoren für aseptische Knochendeckelnekrosen nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma (SHT)

Müller SR, Duenisch P, Kalff R, Ewald C
Meeting Abstract (14dgch241)

Duration of cranioplasty procedure prohibits postoperative complications in Cranioplasty: A retrospective Analysis of 219 patients

Lemcke J, von der Brelie C, Stojanowski I, Meier U
Meeting Abstract (14dgch242)

Improvement of health-related quality of life after intracranial haemorrhage while neurosurgical early rehabilitation. Which predictors are relevant?

Kapapa T, Linder P, Pfaffenzeller A, Woischneck D